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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/17/17
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/17/17

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chairperson, Carol Edelman and Kenneth Basler

Also in attendance: Dennis Lynch, Ray Tryon

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • Steve reported that he met with Town Counsel regarding the need for an updated lease with the Community Center.  Jeremia should have something for the Board to review by next week.
  • Steve inquired about the school bond and the concerns that Don Clawson raised last week.  Kenn stated there is a school committee meeting scheduled for May 22nd with each town’s Finance Committee Chair.
  • The Board discussed the draft letter Kenn had distributed to be sent to the school committee, Business Administrator, Superintendent and member select boards.  Everyone approved with minor amendments.
  • Kenn reported that he met informally with a small group of parents over the weekend to discuss their concerns with regards to the school budget.  The parents will be attending the May 25th school committee meeting and speak with officials in Egremont about the budget specifically.
  • M. Noe reported that we did not receive any bids for the work to be done at the Monterey School; we can now seek out a contractor independently.  Carol suggested that an action plan needs to be created to clean out all of the stuff that was left in there (clothing, books, educational materials, etc).  Carol also suggested that if the building is not going to be used as a school in the near future that it might be a good option to store the Historical Society’s items.
  • Treasurer: Mari has informed the Board that she can only continue to help out as the Assistant Treasurer for another 2 weeks.  An updated quote was requested from Baystate to increase their availability for the next 6 weeks (be in office for 5 hours every week in addition to the other items agreed to).  Their long term proposal has not been sent yet.  It was agreed to pay the extra for the next 6 weeks.  With regards to the long term the Board agreed to put out a help wanted ad to see what candidates apply and consider those as well as the proposal from Baystate.
  • Dennis Lynch came in to discuss 2 grant applications he is applying for; An ADA Planning Grant which would require $2,600 from the town that has not been appropriated; this grant will have to wait until next year as it is due June 30th.  Dennis will provide the Board with a copy of ADA compliance documents that need to be accepted and posted as part of the grant application.  The other grant application is a Municipal Variability Preparedness Planning Grant which has no cost to the town but will require some staff time; the Board approved this application.
  • Dennis is requesting mileage reimbursement for grant work performed (that the Board approved at a previous meeting).  This will come from the Select Board expenses.
  • Steve reported on the Lake Garfield Working Group’s meeting held on Monday.  They discussed how to proceed with the procurement of the milfoil remediation strategy.  A Request for Proposal will require a designated Certified Procurement Officer but an Invitation to Bid will not.
  • Steve is going to follow up with M.D. Amstead on the start date of the Town Administrator’s new office.
  • Kenn provided an update on his meeting with Verizon and the cell tower company on the status of getting the 2nd tower erected.
  • The June Select Board corner was approved.
  • The Board discussed the suggestion to pay the Transfer Station Attendants for the time spent (as submitted) for moving from the old station to the new out of the temporary employee account.
  • The Board reviewed copies of surrounding town job descriptions for the Town Clerk and Treasurer.
  • Whistleblower policy: Kenn is suggesting that a clear policy be created for complaints from employees within town hall.
  • The Board updated a memo to all committees and boards explaining the procedure for using town counsel and/or requesting outside counsel.
  • Kenn summarized for the Board the current legal situation with Hume and the Planning Board.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • At the recommendation of the Cultural Council a motion was made to appoint Cheryl Zellman for a 3 year term.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
  • Memorial Day: The Board reviewed the email from M. Noe summarizing everything that has been set up to date and discussed those items not covered.
  • Town Clerk: The Board discussed whether to advertise the position.  Steve felt that we have a competent person currently in the position and to remain consistent we should offer the position and not advertise it.  Kenn disagreed and felt that since it was changed to appointed we owe it to Monterey to advertise the position and do our due diligence in finding the most qualified candidate.  Carol agreed that the current person was hired on an interim basis and now that the Board can define the appointed position’s requirements she could go either way and offer the position to the current person or advertise it.  The Board, will work on a final job description, posted hours and rate of pay over the next few weeks.
  • Fire Insurance – The Board approved raising the weekly indemnity amount to the maximum of $1,400.
  • Police Insurance - The Board approved raising the weekly indemnity amount to the maximum of $1,400.
  • Special Event/One Day Alcohol permit – The Board approved the special permit request for the Finston Fox Family HS Graduation Party in June pending receipt of the insurance liability certificate.
  • The Board reopened the discussion on the loan payment issues discussed last week.  The Board has been given information that would allow for us to internally transfer the funds needed instead of having a special town meeting which would cost around $1,000.  The Board asked M. Noe to schedule the Finance Committee to come in to their 5/31 meeting to further discuss the transfer station and fire truck loan payments.
  • Town report: The reports have been pulled from distribution due to printing errors.  It was suggested to cut out the problem page and insert an addendum to complete the missing information with a note that in an effort to save money we will print off and insert the corrected pages. The Board also agreed that next year previewing the report will be a shared responsibility, and the Board will assist in getting departments to hand in their reports in a timely fashion.
  • Minutes from 5/9 & 5/10/17 were approved.
  • Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  An email from the Town Administrator Resume Review Committee stating they have a candidate to recommend and would like to meet next Wed at 6pm.
  • Carol asked if the Board would be interested in meeting with solar companies to install on town owned lands; they are and she will work on scheduling this.
  • Carol asked about the CDBG program and if we are still moving forward with it given all of the national news recently on the program.  Kenn and Steve have both spoken with Alice Boyd and the application has been filed and we should hear more in July.
  • State small Bridge Program: Carol inquired if we have applied for this program – we have not as the bridges currently needing attention do not meet the criteria.
  • Kenn mentioned that he is concerned that we were not on the recent TIP list as he had worked with the previous Town Administrator on this and was under the assumption this had been filed.  Kenn is going to follow up.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12:10pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk